Referenties Rob Korten

“In de afgelopen jaren dat we beiden betrokken zijn bij de meest complexe vorm van groene projecten (duurzame energie en projecten op basis van groene grondstoffen), heb ik Rob leren kennen als vasthoudend en sterk gecommiteerd aan zijn projecten die tegelijkertijd bereid is om ook visies vanuit andere invalshoeken te respecteren en er lering uit te trekken.”

– Wouter Verster – Vice President Renewable Energy Financing, Rabobank International

“Ik heb reeds meerdere jaren ervaring met het subsidieadvies van Rob Korten. De subsidies die door hem zijn binnengehaald had ik anders waarschijnlijk nooit van gehoord, laat staan ontvangen.”

– Antoon Creemers – Director at Creemers Bio Energy

“Rob worked for KEMA in the field of sustainable energy.He was a consultant with the local Government as primary account.He was a dedicated member of the team and has good knowledge of energy options like: avialability, implementation and subsidizing options of sustainable energy. He is a positive and active team player in the Field of energy.

– Mark Beekes – Account Manager, KEMA Nederland BV

“Adbrevio Consult en haar directeur Rob Korten geven op een innovatieve en realistische wijze tools aan organisaties en bedrijven voor duurzame productie en / of duurzaam gebruik van energie en groene grondstoffen. Dit doen zij met een goed doortimmerd advies (indien gewenst met een begeleidingspakket) op basis van kennis, ervaring en vakkundig inzicht.”

– Bertus Buizer – Directeur/eigenaar, Buizer Advies

“Een zeer innovatieve persoon die in staat is kansen in de markt te identificeren en door zijn brede netwerk, bedrijven aan elkaar te verbinden, vaak ondersteund met interessante financiele stimuleringskaders (subsidies).”

– Carel Jaspers – Director, Q-point BV

“Rob Korten heeft goede ervaring met het uitvoeren van duurzame energiescans die vanuit Agentschapnl (voorheen Senternovem) zijn gepromoot en getraind”

– Theo Nohlmans – CEO, Solar Energy Twente

“I have worked with Rob as a colleague, he was very motivated to achieve the best results and he likes to get the best out of projects. He is also very eager to learn and he always lives up to his promises. After he and I changed jobs we worked together within the Dutch Association of Environmental Professionals. Within that context I have always enjoyed his enthousiasm and his profound knowledge within his areas of expertise.”

– Rolf-Jan Hoeve, Information and Policy Officer Environmental Management, European Commission

“Rob knows his business and has heart for his customers. I’ve had the honors to work with Rob on many projects. Through knowledge, excellent contacts and his expertise on green projects, Rob is the one to trusts your durable project to last many years!”

– Alexander Maslow – Director at Holland Novochem Technical Coatings

“As a subsidy consultant Renewable energy, Rob is an excelent partner to cooperate with. He helps potential customers from concept to final result with his great expertize and working spirit. Because of his broad expertize and network in Renewable energy he makes impossible projects possible.”

– Dick Broekhuis – Director, Crassus Advice4You BV

“I’ve seen Rob do a great job in getting over 1 mln euro subsidy for a substantial algae project. As we did the financing of this project we had an intensive period of aligning conditions of banks and subsidizing parties. I could contact Rob at any time and got fast and complete reactions. We got the job done well and it was a pleasure working with Rob.”

– Johannes Houtsma – Director – Da Vinci Finance